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Northwestern High School Class of 1970
Hyattsville, Maryland
Reunion & Alumni Association

Classmates for whom we are missing any contact information
If you know any of these classmates, please have them go to our
website and update their contact information or send an email to alumni@northwestern1970.com
Aizawa, Gemma
Allis, Edward Nathaniel
Andrews, James Chester
Arnold, Steven
Baxter, Lester
Beall, Irene
Bell, III, William
Belt, Sandra Gail
Boyle, Maureen Annette
Brown, Rosemarie
Burke, Sheila Mae
Burnette, Sheila Connie
Calloway, Sara Jane
Chelgren, Karen
Colman, Patricia
Cruz, Aleta
Dauphin, Victoria
Desmond, James
Downing, Colleen
Durham, Linda
East, Linda
Fine, David
Fisher, M. Theresa
Ford, Donald
Garcia, George
Graham, Carol
Graves, Patricia
Hansen, Dorothy
Harris Patterson, Vickie
Harrison, John
Hayes, Nola
Heidenberg, Mary
Howard, Sandra
Johnson, Reginald
Jones, Michael
Jones, Teresa
Kaiser, Deborah
Lay, Hazel
Lightfoot, Karen
Litsas, Kathy
Lopez, Gloria
Lucas, Albert
Mathews, Lynelle
Mattern, John
Mayer, Margaret
Murray, Paul
Nicholson, Bonnie
O'Leary, Patricia
Padgette, Christine
Petty, George
Pippin, Patricia
Ricci, Doreen
Ron, Ruth
Rose, Gloria
Soldano, Margaret
Staples, Mary Lyn
Stewardson, Wanda
Swearingen, Ruth
Thomas, Karen
Thorne, Jean
Twigg, Deborah
Vannsopark, Boonchal
Vezina, Suzanne
Walls, Rita
Warring, Jr., James
White, Belinda
Wilkes, William
Wilkins, Elliott
Wyatt, Barbara

1970-2025 Northwestern High School, Class of 1970. All rights reserved